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Professional services PDF Print E-mail
Our best know-how and professional competence is at your service in the form of a wide range of products and solutions:
logopng Accounting audit of final statements.
logopng Accounting audit of report packages, mid-term and extraordinary financial statements.
logopng Legal and voluntary audit of statutory and consolidated financial statements.
logopng Support and assistance for the move to International Accounting Standards (IAS/IFRS).
logopng Analysis, evaluation and checking of Internal accounting and management procedures.
logopng Analysis and review of final statements
logopng Analysis, evaluation and checking of compliance with LD 231/2001 and L 262/2005.
logopng Evaluation and report of fair evaluation.
logopng Evaluation and report of financial information accuracy.
logopng Accounting, financial and economic due-diligence.
logopng Accounting audit on suspect irregularities and frauds.
logopng Technical arbitrators’ and consultants’ accounting surveys.
logopng Controls over price revisions contracts clauses.
Re.Fi.Mi. S.r.l. - Via San Prospero, 4 - 20121 Milano (MI)  - P. Iva e Codice Fiscale 06086580963
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